How to Sponsor

From Emeritus Archbishop Joseph Jules Zerey
To all the sponsors & visitors of this website.

“From Jerusalem & from Bethlehem Where our Greek Melkite Catholic Church is established with many cities around, I am first giving you a blessing to all those who are looking at this web site. I would like to talk   to you about our school, the Greek Melkite Catholic School in Beit Sahour which is the Shepherds Fields, and very close to Bethlehem, where Jesus is born, and I always consider that our parishioners in Beit Sahour are the grand, grand children of the shepherds who went to visit Jesus in Bethlehem. So we also have a school there and we are about 500 sudents but we are passing the last years by many difficulties. Most of our students can not pay the tuitions and also many of our teachers are coming from Beit Sahour & Bethlehem and we have to pay them their salaries. We are facing very big problems and I hope that we do not have in the future to close the school. Many of our students who are studying in our school and being educated are also having very good results. We have to do the best we can to help them and also not to immigrate, or leave the country, so after few years, we have no Christians at all, no Catholics even in this Holy Land.

   So from Bethlehem, from Jerusalem, from The Holy Land, I am also praying especially for all our benefactors. Thank you for all what you can do to help our students in our Greek Melkite Catholic Church in Beit Sahour in our Holy Land. As Emeritus Patriarchal Vicar of the Greek Melkite Catholic Church Patriarchate, I am giving a special blessing to you all and all your families. Thank you very much.”  

Sponsor the education scholarship of a Needy Christian Student in the Holy Land and preserve the Christian presence. Choose your plan and click on the appropriate button, fill the form and mention your chosen student number. Tax receipts will be issued. Please issue your cheque in the name of: Knights of Columbus Ontario Charity Foundation and write in the memo part: Jerusalem Students. Send it by post to: Brother Hikmat Dandan, Christian Refugee Relief, Holy Land & Persecuted Christians Director, Centerpoint Box 37150, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M2M 4J8.

Thank you and Vivat Iesus

Monthly sponsorship per shared student
($21 CAD)

$21.00 CAD (monthly)

Monthly sponsorship per student
($42 CAD)

$42.00 CAD (monthly)

One year sponsorship per shared student
($250 CAD)

$250 CAD (one time donation)

One year sponsorship per student

$500 CAD (one time donation)

Custom donation
($ CAD)

Custom donation ($ CAD)


Tax receipts if required will be issued to sponsors.